Owen was playing with moon sand (it's supposed to be like sand but stick together like playdough....it sounds about as impossible to be true as it is) and had a blast creating shapes and exploring with it. I forgot to take a picture of him actually playing with it, but here's what is play area looked like when he was done.

All on his own accord, he got down from his stool on a mission. He came back a couple minutes later with the vaccum and announced he needed to clean up the mess on the floor. I helped him get it all set up and he spent quite some time sucking up all the crumbs. By golly, I think he got every little spec! I was quite impressed!

And here he is stacking beads on a toothpick. (Thanks for the idea, Alex!) So simple, but yet quite the attention grabber. I couldn't believe how long it entertained him.