Monday, March 29, 2010

silly face

Owen was cracking me up today with this silly face. He would do it whenever he was playing or concentrating on getting a smaller object into a bigger one. Sometimes it was even accompanied with a "ooooo" sound effect.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Bunny

Random Moment

Just a clip from our day--

Owen has been on a new kick this week: doesn't want to eat much of anything, extremely clingy, and sleepy--totally different from his normal self. The typical response, I know--but I think he's teething again. He rubs his jaw alot and wants something in his mouth to chew or suck on constantly.

Friday, March 19, 2010

fun at the park

Swim Class

Owen was REALLY nervous about this new experience. He was not sure he liked being in the water and clung to Mommy quite tightly with a look of nervousness similar to the look Daddy gets when he's not too sure of something. By the end of the half hour, he was smiling and splashing, giggling and laughing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Slap Happy First Steps

They came much sooner than I thought they would. It's amazing how quick babies can make connections and put things together. Notice the hanger in his hand--he was obsessed with it tonight and would not let it go. He was laughing so hard and was smiling and giggling so much because he was so proud of himself.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Owen and I had Alex and Ryder over for a visit all the way from MAINE! It was great to see them, catch up, and enjoy watching our boys interact together. A fun relaxing Monday.

My favorites

My two boys on Sunday afternoon doing what they love to do--nap and play.

sunny swinging = signs of spring

Last week was BEAUTIFUL! The weather was nice and warm and sunny--spring is in the air! Owen and I went over to a friend's house and went swinging. Owen wasn't sure of it at first, but then was quite excited about it.

Owen and Ava checking out the dirt and grass

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2 more teeth

I discovered Owen's two front teeth had cut through yesterday. That makes 3 teeth on top and 1 on the bottom all in less than 2 weeks! He's still drooling like crazy...are there more on the way??

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Climb, climb, climb

Before bed last night Owen cimbed the whole flight of stairs not once, not twice, but THREE times!! After the third trip up, he was ready for night night!

A weekend in MI...

10 month pictures--Take 2

10 month pictures--Take 1

I tried to take Owen's pictures earlier this week on one of our beautiful sunny days...but he was not interested.

"Really, mom?? Do I have to stand by the fence?

So, we decided to go check out the trees instead and try again another day for some 10 month pictures.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

H2O fun

You can never have enough bath pictures!

Oh, and by the way, over the weekend Owen cut another tooth--that's 2 in one week! I think there's going to be a mouthful of chompers before I know it!